Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Half Marathon Training Schedule

With my first half marathon a few months away (holy cow), I'm trying to buckle down and adhere to a set training schedule. That being said, I have decided that I'm also not going to beat myself up if I have to skip a day or cut a run short. Also, if I feel like running a little farther than planned, then I'm going to do what I damn well please. So there. This is about working your way up to the half marathon mileage range, not an exact science as far as I'm concerned.

Thanks to Vanessa at See Vanessa Craft, I found a training plan that I think will be manageable for someone like me with a schedule so busy it's just silly (hello training, Junior League Provisional year, Ronald McDonald House Young Professionals Society, blogging, modeling, babysitting, dog mom-ing, and Etsy crafting... oh yeah, and I work). It's also a great plan for beginners. If you're running in the Disney Princess Half, today is week 1, day 3 (Wednesday) for us.

Don't forget to add strength training! I'll be posting my strength routine/tips shortly. Happy Hump Day!

Vanessa adapted her schedule from this one at This is hanging on my fridge to keep me honest!